Monday, April 2, 2007

Sesame Steamed Vegetables and Spaghetti

Easy dinner or lunch ?? want to save cooking time.. try out this delicious dish...

Total cooking time : 20 mins

Sesame Baked Vegetables and


Spaghetti - a bunch(organics is good and cooks very fast)
Rice vinegar - 2 spoons
Sesame oil - 1 1/2 spoon
Sesame seed -3 spoons(roast the seed with out any oil)
garlic - 2 clove
onion - 1 onion
peanut butter - 1 spoon
soy sauce - 2 spoon
vegetable broth-1/2 cup
brown sugar or powdered jaggry - 3/4 spoon
red pepper flake - 2 pinch

Cook pasta in a big vessel with water and 1/2 spoon of salt for 10 to 15 until it becomes soft(stir it occasionally) . After u feel it is soft(better taste it and see whether it is cooked) , drain it with the stainer and leave it dry.
note : to avoid over cooking ,U can pour some cold water to it.

For the sauce

In a small skillet add the sesame oil and saute the galic and onion for 2 to 3 mins.Add the peanut butter and keep on string ,once you notice the bubbles, pour the rice vinegar followed with soy sauce .stir it for a minute ,then add the 1/2 cup of vegetable broth , red pepper flake and t he brown sugar . cook it for 5-7mins (occasional stir) ,until the liquid becomes little thick.turn off the stove .Let the sauce stand in the stove for 5 more mins (let it cook in the heat).. In a bowl or vessel take the pasta and pour the sauce over it and mix it well.
To serve :
Place the spaghetti on a plate and garnish it with cucumber frills.(cucumber frills can be done with the peeler).for the final touch, add the sesame seed on the top of the delicious spaghetti ... yummy!

Steamed vegetable :


Any vegetable of your choice (Ex broccolis florets ,carrots,dew peas,beans,bell pepper(capsicum),bamboo shoots) .
1/2 spoon sesame oil.
1/2 spoon vegetable oil or sunflower.
1 spoon rice vinegar.
1 1/2 soy sauce .
1 pinch red pepper flake .
1/2 brown sugar or powered jaggery

To do:
Steam the vegetables in a steamer

Meanwhile take a small bowl,whisk all the ingredients above to make a dressing .
Place the steamed vegetables on a plate .Pour the sauce(dressing) over the vegetables.garnish it with roasted sesame seeds . Jaggery gives a very good flavor and aroma .

hope you like it!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey that was really good.. keep it up...